Thursday, April 30, 2015

Our UMVIM status

We will be spending 5 months this year in Congo and Zambia as volunteers with the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) program. This is a program under the auspices of the General Board of Global Ministries around the world.

Volunteers can serve from two weeks to 3 years -- depending on the project they are working with. In our case, because we served in this area and these projects for 35 years, we are able to come as go as we like now that we are retired. We see it as a marvelous opportunity to continue to be involved in a new way with the work that has been such a part of our lives.

David will continue to give courses at the Seminary and pastors school. Lori will be teaching the wives of the student pastors and continue the vital nutrition program for children around Mulungwishi.

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