Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Mission Station Hill sold! - Urgent Prayer Request

Mulungwishi cross hill

Annual Conference is in session now in Africa. Today David Persons received a call from one of their Bishops. He had just learned that one of the local tribal chiefs has sold the mission station's hill to a Greek mining company.

This is the hill on which Woody Bartlett (Lori's dad) built the large cross out of metal barrels. It is also the home of their water well. Full details are not known at this time, but David has a meeting later this week which will hopefully give him further direction.

David and Lori ask for massive amounts of intercessory prayer and fasting from all of us.

1 comment:


    miracles in finances . miracles for our children to have quiquely their iddentite card .Answer of God about my prayer and prayer done to Aguigo and All of Us ,followed by Jesus or Holly Spirit or God . Protection of God before , in , and after our travels in Jesus Name .
