Tuesday, October 31, 2006

New: Weather links

We have added under "other links" in the left navigation column a couple of cool web sites to visit for weather in the D.R. Congo ... "Southern Africa - satellite" and "Weather at Likasi". We think you'll find these interesting and help you get a better feel for where the Persons live and carry out their mission. These weather links are, surprisingly, from MSN, not the Weather Channel, my first thought. I find the maps to be easier to look at for us people that are not in the weather business. Also, on the Likasi weather page, you can scroll down and select one of many maps. Several are animated. Other weather links

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Missionary Minute from former student

The General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) dedicates part of their web site to "Here I am Lord: Missionary Minutes." You may be interested to read a Missionary Minutes from The Rev. Nkemba Ndjungu, a former student at the seminary in Mulungwishi.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Online interactive maps of the area

You can find a lot of maps available on the web, but most are static images.  A fun way to explore the area around us is to use an interactive map.  You can zoom in or out, and move the map around. Many even offer a satellite view, which looks tremendous. The big players are, of course, Google Maps and Microsoft Live Local.  Here are  a few links to get tou started on your geographical exploration:
Lastly, you may want to check out Google Earth -- if you meet the system requirements to install and use it. Search for Mulungwishi, Democratic Republic Congo. The initial image zooms in too close and is fuzzy, so you'll want to zoom out a bit.  You can add the roads and see the trip from Likasi to Mulungwishi. Or maybe you prefer to start at the province capital, Lubumbashi.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

DR Congo in the news

Below are a few recent online articles about the Democratic Republic of the Congo:

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

CNN covers Congo conflict

Each night this week on CNN, Anderson Cooper reported on his visit to the conflict-ridden countries of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Read the journal entries and watch videos at the Anderson Cooper 360° blog archive for this week.